Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Are we standing firm with our consumer rights?

I am a strong supporter of consumer rights, and I feel very dissapointment if any business or authority is allowed to take advantage of people without facing determined consequences. I have on mnay ocassions written in to organisations that have ignored my rights, and those among them that truly put the customer atthe forefront have responded well.

But what about authorities that ignore your rights. In this case I am speaking about Singapore and their Land Transport Authority. I find it rather odd that all vehicles from overseas (basically, that means from Malaysia) entering Singapore by road are not able to check the amount that they are required to pay on their way out, before the checkpoint. Without knowing this, the authority is basically expecting that you top up the autopass beyond what you might need to pay without knowing what that amount is. If you you are short of the required amount by even a cent, you are subjected to a fine in addition to paying the difference.

There are two counts of consumer rights that are violated here:
1) The right to accurate information, ie how much I owe the land authority before getting to the checkpoint. Imposing a fine when insufficient information is given to begin with is clearly unlawful
2) The right to pay only the amount required, and not be forced into paying more than necessary.

Sadly, Malaysians who visit Singapore only once in a while by car are really the losers. I wonder how many people have actually questioned this? I did and and what I got was two 3 Singaporean uniformed officers threatening me with "Are we looking for trouble?" at the checkpoint. Clearly I struck a sensitive note since the points I stated were valid. When I asked this young officer who threatened me to give me his name later, he claimed it was not necessary. So much for responsible and well manered Singaporean uniformed personnel!

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