Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year

 A new year. 2013. I guess the Mayan's got their calendar predictions wrong. Although for those who were ever so sure that their calendar was right, they might have considered the fact that the Mayan civilisation was doomed many centuries ago - and they didn't manage to predict that!

As a Muslim myself, I don't expect that anyone but the All Mighty Himself knows when the end will be anyway. The lack of any eventful "end of the world" in December simply re-enforces this truth.

Anyway, last year was quite a journey for me, especially with respect to the new job and the characters that seem to pop up unexpectedly shaping the direction of some projects. People are complex - the real nature and intentions of people are never fully transparent, no matter what people claim. I guess this is life.

So with new learnings from 2012, I step into 2013 a changed person. Lets see what it brings.

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